Equipment used at DOT Radio Stations


The equipment used on DOT stations changed dramatically over the years. Some sets, such as the CSR-5, the HRO and the HQ129X appear in many of the old photos. Others, such as the Kaar 25E receiver, have only appeared once or twice and may not be so familiar.

This section of the web site will be dedicated to equipment. In most cases descriptions and photos will be given in an attachment (see below) or via a link. We will try to maintain this page as an index, updating it as more information comes to light. Here are the sets mentioned to date:


Kaar 25E;
Marconi FM12 MF/DF receiver;

Hammarlund Super Pro
Collins ART-13
Transceiver with hand-driven power unit TBX/8
Transceiver RT/83 with battery charger unit and auxiliary inverter 

(Note: Credits are given in the main documents or links)


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